Company Registration
When starting a business in Indonesia, it is important to understand the different types of business entities. One popular choice is the PT PMA company. PT refers to Perserona Limited, a private company in Indonesia which can be a local or foreign limited liability company. PMA is an abbreviation for Foreign Capital Investment which is the choice for foreign companies who want to do business in Indonesia.
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How much does it cost to register a company in Indonesia
3 Steps to Establish Your Company in Indonesia
1. Consult with our business consultant regarding the establishment of your business entity.
2. Complete the required documents for the establishment of your business entity.
3. After we process the documents, your business entity will be completed soon.
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Didirikan pada tahun 2003, kami selalu berpegang teguh pada satu komitmen yang sama, yaitu untuk mengatasi kesulitan para entrepreneur dalam membangun bisnisnya.
Komitmen inilah yang kemudian membuat kami dipercaya oleh lebih dari 50.000 klien dan berkembang hingga memiliki 35 lokasi di seluruh Indonesia. Kami juga senantiasa beradaptasi dengan kemajuan teknologi dalam memberikan layanan kami.