Coworking Space
Flexible Workspace, hybrid, can be for professional individuals or work teams. Free to choose locations in more than 35+ locations in Indonesia.
Choose PlanWhat is Coworking Space?
Coworking space is a flexible way of working with shared workplaces, different from the way of working in general. Coworking Space prioritizes collaboration and sharing. where workers there apart from sharing space can also share information & experiences.
What are the benefits?
Find a comfortable & flexible for you, working together with professionals
like-minded people and get the opportunity to interact and collaborate with each other.
Bring your laptop, choose your desk and get to work
Join us & connect with 35,000 other business owners
You can be sure that your office will be managed by the most experienced Virtual Office and Serviced Office provider in Indonesia and you can easily take advantage of more than 35,000 active clients from the vOffice network. We also have a team of experts to help you develop your business in Indonesia.
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Testimoni: vOffice Selalu Memberikan yang Terbaik
Didirikan pada tahun 2003, kami selalu berpegang teguh pada satu komitmen yang sama, yaitu untuk mengatasi kesulitan para entrepreneur dalam membangun bisnisnya.
Komitmen inilah yang kemudian membuat kami dipercaya oleh lebih dari 50.000 klien dan berkembang hingga memiliki 35 lokasi di seluruh Indonesia. Kami juga senantiasa beradaptasi dengan kemajuan teknologi dalam memberikan layanan kami.