Meeting Room in Bandung
vOffice Meeting Room in Bandung with complete facilities. Ideal for meeting clients or partners for presentations, meetings, pitching, or other activities. The vOffice Meeting Room is located in over 30 strategic locations in Indonesia and is equipped with equipment that can support all your meeting needs.

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More than 40 locations in Indonesia. Choose the nearest location that suits your needs.
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What Facilities are Available in the Meeting Room?
Meeting Room Options in Bandung
vOffice Menara BRI Bandung
(Asia Afrika)

The BRI Tower in Asia Africa is an iconic skyscraper with a modern and attractive design. This building not
only functions as the head office of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, but is also an important landmark that adds to the
charm of the city of Bandung.
Advantages of Renting a Meeting Room at Menara BRI Bandung:
Strategic location in a prime business district
Easy access to transportation
Close to various public amenities

Facilities around Menara BRI Bandung:
Check out nearby facilities:
88 Hotel
Vasaka Maison Bandung
Queen Restaurant
The Kings Shopping Centre
23 Paskal Shopping Centre
Husein Sastranegara International Airport
Other Services
What are the advantages of renting a meeting room in Bandung?
There are several advantages to renting a meeting room in Bandung from vOffice, including:
Time and location flexibility
Meeting rooms in Bandung are available with various rental time options, ranging from a few hours to several days. You can also choose a strategic location near your office or in a place that is easy to reach for meeting participants.
Complete facilities
Meeting rooms in Bandung from vOffice are equipped with various facilities needed for effective meetings
Affordable costs
The cost of renting a meeting room in Bandung from vOffice is more affordable than renting office space or buying a building for meetings. Rental prices depend on the size of the room, available facilities, and location.
Apart from the advantages above, renting a meeting room in Bandung can also give a professional impression to your company.
A comfortable meeting room equipped with complete facilities can make your meeting run smoothly and effectively.
How to rent a vOffice meeting room in Bandung
- Check Location Determine the location of the Meeting Room you want.
- Check Availability Our customer service will inform you of meeting room availability or you can book online here
- Pay Outstanding Bills You can call a meeting after you have paid the outstanding bills.
Testimoni: vOffice Selalu Memberikan yang Terbaik
Didirikan pada tahun 2003, kami selalu berpegang teguh pada satu komitmen yang sama, yaitu untuk mengatasi kesulitan para entrepreneur dalam membangun bisnisnya.
Komitmen inilah yang kemudian membuat kami dipercaya oleh lebih dari 50.000 klien dan berkembang hingga memiliki 35 lokasi di seluruh Indonesia. Kami juga senantiasa beradaptasi dengan kemajuan teknologi dalam memberikan layanan kami.