
Marquee Office

vOffice Marquee Office A. Gueco St., Pulung Maragul, Angeles, 2009 Pampanga

Services in Marquee Office, Philippines

An exclusive spaces that are cornered around PCI Compliance. MarQuee Mall captures the festive spirit of the local culture while providing the trademark concepts and services of the Ayala Malls, making it one of the favorite gathering places in Central Luzon.

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An exclusive spaces that are cornered around PCI Compliance. MarQuee Mall captures the festive spirit of the local culture while providing the trademark concepts and services of the Ayala Malls, making it one of the favorite gathering places in Central Luzon.

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Establishments close to Marquee Office

  • Bank
    BDO, BPI, Metrobank, Landbank
  • Hotel
    ABC Hotel, Lewis Grand Hotel, Score Birds Hotel
  • Restaurant / Cafe
    Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Early Bird Breakfast Club, Starbucks Coffee, The Wholesome Table, Unit 27 Bar + Cafe
  • Others
    Bonifacio High Street Central, Bonifacio High Street Cinema, Fitness First


Workspace facilities

• 1 conference room space with a maximum of 14 pax in the room. • 1 Training room space with a maximum of 20 - 30 pax in the room. • 1 Interview room with a maximum of 2 pax.


Free-flowing mineral water is served all throughout the day.


On facility pantry with full amenities on and on-floor concessionaire. • 24/7 Restaurants and eating area on site (KFC, Burger King, Jollibee, and local canteens and eateries.) • 24/7 Building access • 24/7 Central air-conditioned rooms included in the price.

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Marcella Zalianty, Ketua PARFI'56