
JDN Square IT Center

vOffice JDN Square P.Remedio St, Mandaue City, 6014 Cebu, Philippines

Our existing clients range from 5-seat centers to 650-seat-solutions. ALL our clients enjoy offices built for exclusive access — these are not shared office environments. Get the privacy, build, and appearance your business needs to succeed.

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Establishments close to JDN Square IT Center

  • Bank
    BDO Unibank, MetroBank, Security Bank (Bancnet ATM)
  • Hotel
    Bai Hotel Cebu, Maayo Hotel, Alpa City Suites
  • Restaurant / Cafe
    Joven's Grill and Seafood, Anzani New Mediterranean Restaurant, The Pyramid, Le Gab Cafe
  • Others
    Mandaue City Hospital, Gold's Gym, Parkmall 


Workspace facilities

• 1 conference room space with a maximum of 10 pax in the room. • 1 Training room space with a maximum of 20 - 30 pax in the room.


Free-flowing mineral water is served all throughout the day.

On-ground staff

Our IT, Cleaning, and Maintenance staff are onsite and able to assist are on duty 24/7.


• Professional cleaning by licensed custodian service (common areas) as well as cleaning of your dedicated area if requested. • On facility pantry with full amenities on and on-floor concessionaire. • 24/7 Restaurants and eating area on site (KFC, Burger King, Jollibee, and local canteens and eateries.) 24/7 Building access • 24/7 Central air-conditioned rooms included in the price.

Testimoni: vOffice Selalu Memberikan yang Terbaik

Didirikan pada tahun 2003, kami selalu berpegang teguh pada satu komitmen yang sama, yaitu untuk mengatasi kesulitan para entrepreneur dalam membangun bisnisnya.


Komitmen inilah yang kemudian membuat kami dipercaya oleh lebih dari 50.000 klien dan berkembang hingga memiliki 35 lokasi di seluruh Indonesia. Kami juga senantiasa beradaptasi dengan kemajuan teknologi dalam memberikan layanan kami.

50000+ Clients Served
45+ Locations Around The World
20+ Years In Business

"Saya optimis vOffice dan layanannya bisa membantu enterpreneur untuk memulai bisnis dengan lebih mudah."

Sandiaga Uno, Entrepreneur

"vOffice sangat cocok bagi pengusaha yang ingin menjalankan bisnis dengan lebih nyaman namun tetap produktif."

Erwin Aksa, Entrepreneur

"Selalu puas dengan layanan vOffice, tempatnya nyaman dan staffnya juga sangat akomodatif."

Marcella Zalianty, Ketua PARFI'56