What is TDP (Business Registration Certificate)?

4-1 Pengertian TDP

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TDP (Business Registration Certificate) is an abbreviation for “Tanda Daftar Perusahaan” in Indonesian. It is an official registration list established based on the provisions of the Law or other related regulations, specifically under Law Number 3 of 1982 concerning Mandatory Company Registration. This record includes various mandatory details that every company must register, obtaining approval from the authorized officials.

Every business entity, whether it’s a PT (Limited Liability Company), CV (Commanditaire Vennootschap), Firma, Cooperative, Foundation, or even an individual, is required to register its business entity. This includes branch offices, subsidiaries, branch offices, regional offices, and agents operating under the company’s name.

In addition to being regulated by Law Number 3 of 1982 on Mandatory Company Registration, the obligation for entrepreneurs to register their business entities is also stipulated in the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 37/M-DAG/PER/2007 concerning the Implementation of Companies, along with Presidential Decree Number 53 of 1998 regarding Business or Activities Not Required to Register.

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Functions of TDP

The ownership of TDP serves as a marker for all ongoing activities within a company. In essence, the function of TDP is to be an official document that reflects the complete profile of the company.

Who is Allowed Not to Obtain TDP?

According to the decisions of the Minister of Trade and the President, business entities whose operational activities are not related to the economic field and do not aim to make a profit are not obligated to have TDP.

Some forms of non-economic and non-profit activities include formal educational institutions like preschool, elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as universities and polytechnics. Non-formal education institutions or those outside of formal schools, supported by the government and not managed by a business entity, also fall under this category.

Requirements for TDP Registration

For those planning to obtain or renew a TDP, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  1. Deed of Establishment and Changes to the Company, along with copies.
  2. Certificate of Authentication from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, along with copies.
  3. Copies of all information related to changes in the company, including changes in capital, management, and ownership of shares. Originals should be brought along.
  4. Copy of the Company Domicile Certificate, with the original for verification.
  5. Copies and originals of the Trading Business License (SIUP), Industrial Business License (SIUPL), Business Registration Number for Small and Medium Enterprises (SIUJPT), or other business licenses.
  6. Copies of the identification cards of the company’s management. If the owner is a foreign national, a copy of the passport is required.
  7. Copies of the identities of shareholders, tax identification numbers (NPWP), and a Certificate from the Minister of Justice if the shareholders are Cooperatives, Foundations, or PT.
  8. Copy of the investment approval from the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) for foreign or domestic investment companies.
  9. Original TDP if changes to data or re-registration are desired.

TDP Registration Procedure

After preparing all the necessary documents, the TDP registration process involves the following steps:

  1. Visit the local service office and fill out the TDP registration form, bringing along the required documents.
  2. Pay the administrative fee as determined by the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 286/Kep/II/85. The amount varies based on the location of TDP registration and the processing time.
  3. The officer will examine and verify the completeness and validity of the entered data. If all data is correct and the required documents are complete, the officer will issue the TDP.
  4. Subsequently, the officer will inform the business owner when the TDP is ready for collection.

This information provides an understanding of TDP, its functions, requirements, and the registration process. If you need assistance with establishing a business entity, whether for PT or CV formation, or regarding licensing management, you can rely on voffice.co.id for a simplified process.