NIB is a new policy from the government aimed at simplifying the process for entrepreneurs to obtain business permits. In order to facilitate entrepreneurs in Indonesia in obtaining business or trade permits, through Presidential Regulation Number 91 of 2017, the government introduced a new policy regarding business permits, namely the issuance of NIB or Nomor Induk Berusaha (Business Registration Number). This regulation officially came into effect in May 2018. The existence of NIB will certainly make it easier for entrepreneurs to obtain business permits. Entrepreneurs no longer need to go through the hassle of obtaining various business permits, such as SIUP, IUI, TDP, and many more, not to mention the time-consuming procedures.
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What is NIB?
NIB stands for Nomor Induk Berusaha, which translates to Business Registration Number. Simply put, NIB is a replacement for the previous mandatory business permit issued by the government. Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 Article 25 paragraph 1, which discusses Integrated Electronic Business Licensing Services or Online Single Submission (OSS), states that NIB is the business identity used by business actors to obtain business and commercial or operational permits. Not only does it replace all previous business permits, but the existence and ownership of NIB also serve as the Importer Identification Number or API, facilitating customs access.
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Requirements for Making a Business Registration Number (NIB)

After understanding the meaning of NIB and its significance, let’s discuss the requirements. Unfortunately, the specific requirements that must be met by entrepreneurs to apply for a Business Registration Number are not yet known. However, the government has outlined the Acceleration of Business Implementation stages according to Presidential Regulation Number 91 of 2017 as follows:
- Establishment of a Task Force (Satuan Tugas) at the ministry or institution, local government to provincial level. Its main task is to oversee the implementation of all business activities and help provide solutions related to permits needed by entrepreneurs.
- Granting permits to investors and entrepreneurs engaged in business activities in free trade areas, strategic tourism areas, industrial zones, special economic zones, and free ports.
- Facilitating regulations and bureaucracy related to business licensing.
- Using shared data or documents when creating business licensing letters.
- Combining all aspects related to permit applications, manufacturing procedures, and permit issuance through the OSS system, making it easier for entrepreneurs to apply for business permits.
Also read: NIB for SMEs: Registration Requirements and How to Create It
Stages of Making a Business Registration Number

After understanding the government’s policy regarding the requirements for making a Business Registration Number, here are the stages that entrepreneurs must fulfill when applying for NIB:
- All entrepreneurs and investors will prepare a letter for business entity processing, whether it’s a PT, Firma, CV, Foundation, or Cooperative. This is done by creating the company’s establishment deed and obtaining a tax identification number (NPWP) for the company.
- After that, entrepreneurs and investors will register through OSS by accessing Registration is done by entering the National Identity Number (NIK) or Passport Number to obtain a User ID.
- Next, select the deed number and complete all the required data to obtain NIB and its basic permit.
- The types of data that entrepreneurs and investors need to prepare for NIB include Company Business Data, Shareholder Data, BPJS Employment and Health Data, Investigation Value Data, and Foreign Worker Utilization Plan.
After all the data and requirements meet the criteria set by the government, a notification containing fiscal incentives will appear. This notification serves as proof that the investor or entrepreneur officially has a Business Registration Number (NIB). It is important to note that investors and entrepreneurs must be responsible and fulfill all commitments and obligations as stated in the Licensing and Facility Notification when this NIB is created. If in the future any fraud, falsification of data, or misuse is found, the government will revoke the NIB of the investor or entrepreneur through legal channels. It is hoped that with the existence of NIB, every investor and business actor will find it easier to carry out business processes. If you encounter difficulties in obtaining NIB and need expert assistance, trust Through professional expertise and legal knowledge, the process of obtaining permits, including PT establishment services and CV establishment services, will become more straightforward. Hopefully, this information is helpful.
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