What is an Individual PT: Definition, Benefits, and Procedures

struktur dan unsur penting PT Perorangan, termasuk pemilik, modal, dan alamat.

The concept of Individual PT might still be relatively new to some. This article will thoroughly explore its ins and outs, from definition and legal basis to the benefits and ease it offers.

Definition of Individual PT

An Individual PT, or Perseroan Terbatas Perorangan, is a business entity established and owned by a single individual. It is a simpler form of company compared to a regular PT, which requires at least two founders. With the ease and flexibility it offers, an Individual PT becomes an attractive option for entrepreneurs who want to start a business without involving many parties.

Read Also: Understanding PT (Perseroan Terbatas), Types, and Examples

Legal Basis

The establishment of an Individual PT is regulated by the Job Creation Law No. 11 of 2020, which is further detailed in its implementing regulations, including Government Regulation No. 8 of 2021 concerning the Basic Capital of Limited Liability Companies and the Procedures for Establishment, Management, Operation, and Dissolution of Limited Liability Companies. This legal basis provides a strong foundation for business actors to establish an Individual PT more easily and efficiently.

Read Also: Individual PT Taxes: Calculation and Reporting Guide

Differences Between Individual PT and Regular PT

Definition of Individual PT

An Individual PT is a company established and owned by a single person. The owner has full control over the company without the need to share decisions with others.

Definition of Regular PT

A Regular PT, or Perseroan Terbatas, is a company established by at least two people and has a more complex structure with shares distributed among shareholders.


The main differences between an Individual PT and a Regular PT lie in the number of founders, organizational structure, and decision-making flexibility. An Individual PT is more suitable for individuals who want to start their own business with limited capital, while a Regular PT is more suitable for ventures that require collaboration and larger investments.

What Are the Benefits of Establishing an Individual PT?

Legal Benefits

Provides stronger legal benefits compared to a regular sole proprietorship. This PT is legally recognized as a separate entity from its owner, thus protecting the owner’s personal assets from business liabilities.

Financial Benefits

In financial terms, it allows the owner to obtain additional capital through loans or investments more easily due to its clear and structured legal status.

Operational Benefits

Operational benefits include ease in decision-making and flexibility in running the business. The owner does not need to consult with others when making business decisions.

Important Elements:


The owner is the sole individual who establishes and controls the company. All strategic and operational decisions are in the hands of the owner.


The minimum required capital is regulated by government regulations and is usually lower compared to a Regular PT.


Must have an official registered address as the company’s operational place. This address is used for legal and administrative purposes.

Establishment Procedures:

Document Preparation

The first step is to prepare the necessary documents, such as the owner’s identity, company address, and other supporting documents.

Read Also: How to Establish a PT: Step-by-Step Guide

Application Submission

Once all documents are ready, the owner can submit the establishment application through the online system provided by the government.


The final process is obtaining approval from the authorities, who will issue a certificate of establishment.

Establishment Requirements:

Important Documents

The necessary documents for establishment include the owner’s ID, NPWP, and a domicile certificate.

Minimum Capital

The minimum capital required to establish an Individual PT varies depending on the type of business and applicable regulations.

Other Obligations

In addition to documents and capital, the owner must also fulfill other obligations such as paying administrative fees and obtaining business licenses if needed.

Tax and Financial Reporting

Taxes to Be Paid

An Individual PT is obligated to pay taxes in accordance with applicable regulations, including Income Tax (PPh) and Value Added Tax (PPN) if operating in a VAT-subject field.

Financial Reporting

The owner of the PT must prepare periodic financial reports to monitor business performance and fulfill reporting obligations to the government.

Transitioning from Individual PT to Regular PT

Reasons for Transition

Some reasons why an Individual PT owner might want to change the company’s status to a Regular PT include obtaining additional investment or expanding the business.

Transition Procedures

The procedure for transitioning to a Regular PT involves submitting a status change application to the authorities and meeting the necessary requirements.


Reasons for Dissolution

An Individual PT can be dissolved for various reasons, such as business failure, changes in business strategy, or the owner’s desire to end the business.

Dissolution Procedures

The dissolution procedure involves submitting a dissolution application to the authorities, settling tax and debt obligations, and distributing any remaining assets.

Establishing an Individual PT is the right step for entrepreneurs who want to start a business more easily and flexibly. With a clear legal basis, legal, financial, and operational benefits, as well as relatively simple procedures, this PT becomes an attractive choice. However, owners must also understand tax and financial obligations, as well as the procedures for changes or dissolution if needed. Thus, the PT can run smoothly and successfully.

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