What is a PKWTT? Complete and Practical Guide

Apa Itu PKWTT? PKWTT adalah singkatan dari Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu. Ini adalah perjanjian kerja yang bersifat permanen, di mana karyawan bekerja tanpa batas waktu yang telah ditentukan. Secara sederhana, jika Anda dipekerjakan dengan PKWTT, berarti Anda bekerja untuk perusahaan tersebut tanpa adanya tanggal berakhirnya kontrak, kecuali ada kondisi khusus yang menyebabkan kontrak berakhir. PKWTT biasanya digunakan untuk posisi yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus dan peran yang terus menerus dalam jangka panjang.

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In the working world, the term PKWTT frequently appears. But what exactly is a PKWTT in Indonesia? Why is it important for both employees and employers? This article will delve into the Indefinite-Term Employment Agreement, one of the most commonly used employment contracts in Indonesia. Let’s start by understanding what PKWTT is.

What is PKWTT?

PKWTT stands for Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (Indefinite-Term Employment Agreement). It is a permanent employment agreement, where an employee works without a predetermined end date. In simple terms, if you are hired under a PKWTT, it means you work for the company without a contract end date, unless specific conditions lead to the termination of the contract. PKWTT is typically used for positions that require specialized skills and ongoing roles in the long term.

Legal Basis

The legal basis for PKWTT is regulated under Law No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower. According to this law, PKWTT is a legally recognized form of employment agreement in Indonesia. In practice, PKWTT offers more stable job security compared to fixed-term employment agreements (PKWT).

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Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of PKWTT:

  1. Job Security: Employees with PKWTT have more stable job security.
  2. Employee Rights: Employees receive more comprehensive rights such as health benefits, annual leave, and others.
  3. Long-Term Relationship: Encourages long-term relationships between employees and the company.

Disadvantages of PKWTT:

  1. Challenges for Companies: Companies may face difficulties in terminating PKWTT employees, especially if the employee is no longer needed.
  2. Less Flexibility: It is less flexible than PKWT, which allows employers to adjust the workforce according to specific project needs.

Differences Between PKWTT and PKWT

One common point of confusion is the difference between PKWTT and PKWT. Although both are forms of employment agreements, there are fundamental differences between the two:

  • PKWTT is permanent, while PKWT is temporary with a fixed duration.
  • PKWTT offers more rights and job security for employees compared to PKWT.

How to Create a Good PKWTT

Creating a good PKWTT requires attention to several key aspects:

  1. Clarification of Rights and Obligations: Ensure that the rights and obligations of both parties are clearly outlined in the contract.
  2. Written Agreement: Always create employment agreements in written form to avoid misunderstandings later on.
  3. Compliance with Regulations: Ensure that the agreement adheres to all applicable legal provisions.

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Employee Obligations and Rights

Employee Obligations:

  • Comply with company rules and policies.
  • Perform tasks to the best of their ability.

Employee Rights:

  • Receive fair wages.
  • Receive health and other welfare benefits.
  • Rights to annual leave and public holidays.

How Can a PKWTT be Terminated?

Although it is indefinite, there are several conditions under which this contract can be terminated, such as:

  1. Resignation: The employee decides to resign.
  2. Termination: The company terminates employment for certain reasons, such as efficiency or serious misconduct.
  3. Mutual Agreement: Both parties agree to end the contract.

Case Examples Related to PKWTT

There are many cases related to PKWTT that can serve as lessons. For example, a case where an employee was unilaterally terminated without clear reasons and how the law protects the employee’s rights.

Why is PKWTT Important?

PKWTT is important because it provides job stability for employees, which in turn can increase productivity and loyalty to the company. Additionally, from the company’s perspective, it helps retain skilled and experienced workers.


PKWTT is a highly significant employment agreement in the working world in Indonesia. With the job stability it provides, both for employees and companies, PKWTT offers many advantages, though there are some challenges that must be considered. Understanding and drafting it properly can create a productive and harmonious work environment.